Sunday, April 27, 2008

Hristos voskrese!! Vaistinu voskrese!

We had a wonderful Easter service leading by Fr Dragan in the newly build church. It started at 4 am. The choir was singing holiday songs and troparies. When the procession went outside, the rain had stopped! The congregation sings a hymn of rejoicing, and a procession led by the banner of Resurrection encircles the church perimeters three times while the worshipers carry lit candles. We were really blessed with great prayers. Many people came to celebrate the Resurrection of Christ. People received the Holy Communion. Then painted eggs were blessed. Russians also brought tradition baked kulich for a blessing. We shared food and happiness in Christ!

Here are some pictures from Sunday Easter service. Pictures © Natalia Tuchina.

Click on each image for a larger view.

Paschal procession

Fr Dragan is reading the Paschal Encyclical

Church choir is singing Paschal songs

Blessing of colored eggs and klulich

Traditional beating of colored eggs

Irina and Anna from Ukraine celebrating

Paschal colored eggs

Olga is happy!

Exchanging greetings Hristos voskrese!!

Anna and Olga

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